Sunday, March 10, 2013


52 portraits//capturing memories and moments//in 2013 
Linking in with Jodi over at Che and Fidel.  

Sam & Quinn: their usual position - laying in bed, Quinn atop Sam's chest, purring loudly
Me: yet another awkward 'selfie' - this time in the hair & makeup lounge getting made up for the runway.
Tiger: a muddy paw print... *tsk-tsk*
Appa: just chillin'

~ looking for more delightful portrait love? This week I was captivated by Eleanor & her brand spankin' new brother, Felix. Click on over to Megpie for more beautiful images.


  1. another weeks gone, times flying Beautiful as always x

    1. I can't believe we're at week 10 already! I can't keep up!

      Wishing you a wonderful week, Lisa.

      Sar xx

  2. Ahh yes...the muddy paw print...we have had more then a few of those around here recently!
    What gorgeous fur babies you have!
    And how gorgeous do you look getting your hair and makeup done!

    1. Thank you for all your lovely comments, Caitlin. Yes, muddy paws prints are the enemy of our white floors...but are a sign of a very happy puppy!

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Sar xx

  3. so lovely. beautiful compositions.

  4. I love the expression on Quin's face. It is as if "yup I belong here, this is MY human'.

    1. Haha & that's exactly what she thinks too! Sam is definitely her human. We can be cuddled up in bed & the next minute Quinn has crawled up from the foot of the bed, under the covers, & wedges herself right in between us. Not only that, but she puts her back to me so she's facing Sam & purrs very loudly!!
      Sneaky cat - but we love her to bits!

      Sar xx

  5. Sarah - you look beautiful (my selfies are always distorted!). Quinn has the face of total contentment! I am with you on the weeks flying in - Oh, if we could only freeze time. xx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments, Lou!

      Oh, to freeze time would be lovely at the moment - my mind is back in week 3 & my body stopped somewhere around 7...*sigh*
      I hope you have a lovely Week 11, nevertheless! :)

      Sar xx


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